Lescens® Brand Value

R&D capability for innovation

Our complete selection of sophisticated vitamins, minerals, herbal formulations, and dietary supplements are developed to match the demands of today’s lifestyle and are supported by the most recent research on nutritional healing and disease prevention.

Top-Notch Quality

We are committed to developing and producing the following Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards with strict and stable quality control.

Target specific health

Our nutritional products combine scientific studies with nutritional remedies and a full range of professionally produced products to help customers control their nutritional demands.

Premium ingredients

We go with extraordinary efforts to find high-quality components that adhere to our comprehensive ingredient policy. Our strategic sourcing team travels the world to guarantee transparency in quality management and consistency with our development sustainability.

Where Science Meet Tradition

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards with strict and stable quality control

About Lescens®

Lescens® Has a Strong Tradition of Development

It has wide range of products that include vital nutrients such as VitaKD, Laceasium, and Livermin. The establishment of the Lescens product line represented scientific advances in the nutritional needs of people of all ages. Lescens continues to develop and build on its scientific expertise and leadership, which serve as the brand’s pillars.

Provide the Best for You in Improving Your Health

Hear what our customers say about us.

I Have been really tired & low energy recently due to stress from work and family….. keep dozing off and cannot focus at work. received a recommendation from CARING pharmacist about Lescens PQQQ10, tried PQQQ10 for a few weeks, glad to see significant improvement in energy level, can be more focused & alert during work!

Working woman (Lescens® PQQQ10)

I am taking calcium supplements for a long-term basis but lately I was worrying that taking too much calcium might have side effects (read from articles).I tried probably 4 or 5 major brands of calcium supplements and was having to purchase my supplements from several differents brand to get everything I needed which was getting costly. I have shared my concerns with the pharmacist from Caring and they have recommended me Lescens VitaKD which can be an alternative supplement to increase calcium level in the body and maintain bone health. At the same time, it can also improve heart health & immunity. I have taken Lescens VItaKD for quite some time, overall very satisfied with the product and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who wishes for my family and friends!!!

Female, 38 years old (Lescens® VitaKD)

Feels very tired recently, eyes look abit yellowish, and I have started to worry about my liver condition because of my very bad lifestyle. Smoke & drink frequently, always eat outside food, stay up late at night all the time. Went to Caring pharmacy to see if there is any supplement that can help with my condition. The pharmacist introduced me to Lescens Livermin, saying that it is made with natural ingredients and can support liver health effectively. After taking Lescens Livermin for a few weeks, feels like FINALLY found a product that won’t make me look like a “zombie”, I’m not easy to impress but this product actually did it!!!

Working man, 33 years old (Lescens® Livermin)

Caring Pharmarcist recommended me to take Trimaflex, this combination of joint care ingredient is new to me…. Today is the 4th day I have taken Trimaflex, I'm glad that I can feel the improvement in my joint pain! 🙂

Female, 23 years old (Lescens® TrimaFlex)

I've been experiencing joint pain for the past 3 years.. However, I can see an improvement in my joints after taking Trimaflex for one week. Trimaflex is something I will definitely recommend to my family, friends, and neighbours. My joints are now more flexible, allowing me to participate in more outdoor activities. I am very pleased with the outcome!

Male, 50 years old (Lescens® TrimaFlex)

For a variety of reasons, this has been a very stressful year, I was extremely busy at work!!! My anxiety level was higher than it had been in many years and I’m suffering from exhaustive late night anxious insomnia.. I feel much better taking a natural product rather than prescription medication!! Thank you so much for making this supplement!! I'm feeling very calm and relaxed. I'm also sleeping through the night!!

Working man, 29 years old (Lescens® Laceasium)

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